Kalis is a company that counts prestigious names in national and international cosmetics and perfumery among its clients, offering research, manufacturing and packaging services. Kalis offers comprehensive assistance in all phases of creating a new product.
With the founding of the company Lab-O24 Srl the exclusive distribution of customized products in the Pharmacy channel is assumed by this Society.
Exclusive formulations, scientific research, attention to the needs of the Pharmacist, promotional materials, efficiency in orders and continuous attention to the market requirements are the strong points of Lab-O24.
The products developed are based on research activities, studies and scientific consulting supported by collaboration with three Italian universities.
These products are the result of scientific research by Kalis, considered a leading company in the Italian and international cosmetology field.
Kalis is a dermocosmetics laboratory with more than 35 years of experience dealing with the research, development, consulting, manufacturing and marketing of cosmetic products, perfumes and medical devices for dermatological use, and food supplements under our own brand and for third parties.
Kalis researchers collaborate with three leading Italian universities (Padua, Trieste, Ferrara), are the authors of over 40 scientific articles published in specialist journals, holders of four international patents, and supervisors for dozens of undergraduate degree and masters dissertations.
Kalis’s activities are based on a passion for research and the creation and continuous improvement of products. The Kalis cornerstone is the respect for our own code of ethics, consisting of the fundamental yardsticks of trust, loyalty, honesty, transparency, diligence, confidentiality, the protection of the environment, and looking after relations with clients and suppliers.
The company is certified to ISO 9001, ISO 22716 (good manufacturing practice) and ISO 13485 (manufacture of medical devices for topical use) standards and is known for its continual research and innovation of products, which are designed and formulated to meet any scientific or market need.
Titolo dell’opera
Intervento realizzato avvalendosi del finanziamento:
POR — Obiettivo “Investimenti in favore della crescita e dell’occupazione” parte FESR Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale 2014-2020
Si comunica che la domanda di sostegno ID 10224756, presentata da codesta Impresa, mirante ad ottenere i benefici previsti dalla deliberazione n. 769/2019 per l’erogazione di contributi alle PMI del settore manifatturiero e dell’artigianato di servizi, è stata ritenuta ammissibile, avendo assunto una posizione utile nella relativa graduatoria regionale, ed è stata riconosciuta finanziabile per un contributo di € 61.500,00, su una spesa ammissibile di € 205.000,00.
POR FESR 2014-2020, Asse 3. Azione 3.1.1 Sub-Azione A). Delibera di Giunta regionale n. 769 del 4 giugno 2019 “Bando per l’erogazione di contributi alle imprese del settore manifatturiero e dell’artigianato di servizi – Sportello A “Industria 4.0”.
Comunicazione di ammissibilità e finanziabilità della domanda di contributo. ID 10224756. CUP: B47I19000910009.
Sito Produttivo in cui è locato il bene:
Onigo di Pederobba (TV) – Via Caodevilla, 38 – Cap 31040
Kalis is a flexible, versatile company, able to adapt to ever changing market demands and continue to be innovative.
The Kalis facilities include a laboratory for research and quality control, fitted with the most modern and efficient equipment for chemical and physical analysis.
Kalis researchers collaborate with leading Italian universities (Padua, Trieste, Ferrara), are the authors of over 40 scientific articles published in specialist journals, holders of four international patents, and supervisors for dozens of undergraduate degree and masters dissertations.